Scale your business— your way

Institutional Intelligent Portfolios® offers:

Build portfolios from thousands of ETFs or mutual funds

You’re in the driver’s seat, building a suite of ETF or mutual fund portfolios according to your own investment philosophy. You can create your own investment strategies, define up to 45 asset classes, and set the asset allocations and drift parameters for each portfolio. In the event your strategy changes or the markets shift, you have flexibility to make adjustments as needed.


You’ll need your Schwab Advisor Center® credentials to access the information above. If you’re not a client of Schwab Advisor Services™ and want to learn more, call 877-687-4085 or contact a local office.

Get your clients started with ease

Clients can start investing in your portfolios using a straightforward online enrollment process. First, they’ll answer a few questions to help determine their investor profile and complete the account opening process. Then, you’ll review the recommended portfolio and be able to make adjustments before you confirm and their money is invested.

Ongoing account management is easy and paperless, too. Whenever clients log in they’ll see the customized experience for your firm, and have automatic access to statements and performance reports.

Integrated with systems you already use

This platform was built with your specific needs in mind, enabling you to integrate with many leading third party technology solutions so you can leverage the account data in other places such as your CRM or portfolio management tools. And, because assets in Institutional Intelligent Portfolios® are custodied with Schwab, these accounts are conveniently displayed in Schwab Advisor Center® and available through Schwab data downloads.

Feel confident working with Schwab

Schwab has been advocating and innovating on behalf of independent registered investment advisors (RIAs) for over 25 years, and Institutional Intelligent Portfolios® is just another way RIAs who custody with Schwab have the support they need to stay ahead of the curve.

Get Started

Advisors working with Schwab can enroll today. If you’re not working with Schwab and would like to learn more, call Schwab Advisor Services™ at 877-687-4085 or contact a local office.